Suffolk Yeomanry

Date Unit Higher Formation
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. 308 (Suffolk Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment, RA .
1947.01.01 Reconstituted in T.A. with HQ at Bury St. Edmunds .
1950.09.01 Amalgamated with 358 (Suffolk) Medium Regiment, RA as 358 (Suffolk Yeomanry) Medium Regiment, RA .
1956.10.31 Amalgamated with 419 (Suffolk) Coast Regiment, RA, the latter forming a new bty as 358 (Suffolk Yeomanry) Field Regiment, RA .
1961.05.01 Amalgamated with 284 (King's Own Royal Regiment, Norfolk Yeomanry) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA, to form 308 (Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry) Field Regiment, RA .
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. 308 (Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry) Field Regiment, RA .
1961.05.01 Re-formed by amalgamation of 358 (Suffolk Yeomanry) Field Regt, and 284 (The King's Own Royal Regiment, Norfolk Yeomanry) LAA Regt .
1967.04.01 Disbanded and concurrently reconstituted as three units: .
. 202 (The Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry) Battery, 100th (Eastern) Medium Regiment, RA in TAVR II at Norwich .
. A (Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry) Company, The Suffolk and Cambridgeshire Regiment (Territorials) in TAVR III at Ipswich .
. D (Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry) Company, The Suffolk and Cambridgeshire Regiment (Territorials) in TAVR III at Swaffam .
1969.01.01 TAVR III element reduced to cadre [q.v.] .
1971.04.01 Cadre reconstituted as D (Cambridgeshire) Company, 6th Bn, The Royal Anglian Regiment, and Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry affiliation therein terminated .
1976 100 (Eastern) Medium Regiment, RA redesignated 100 (Yeomanry) Regiment (V), RA .
1999.07.01 202 (The Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry) Battery joined, 106 (Yeomanry) Regiment (V) RA moved to Bury St. Edmunds (troops at Swaffam and Ispwich) .
2006? Redesignated 677 (The Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry) Squadron, 6 Regiment, Army Air Corps at Bury St. Edmunds and Swaffam  .
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