South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry

Date Unit Higher Formation
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. 307 (South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry) Field Regiment RHA (TA) .
1947.01.01 Reconstituted in TA with HQ at Nottingham, Nottinghamshire: Continuity with 107 (South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry) Regiment RHA (S/A as 107 (South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry) 86 (Fd) AGRA (TA)
1955.02.08 Redesignated 307 (RHA)(South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry) Field Regiment (TA) .
1956.10.31 86 (Fd) AGRA (TA) disbanded .
1961.10.04 Redesginated 307 (RHA)(South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry) Regiment (TA) .
1964.03.19 Redesginated 307 (RHA)(South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry) Field Regiment (TA) .
1967.04.01 Disbanded and concurrently reconstituted as The South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry RHA (Territorials) in TAVR III .
. 425 Battery at Nottingham .
. 426 Battery at Nottingham .
. 520 Battery at Nottingham .
1969.01.01 Reduced to cadre as The South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry (R.H.A.), RA at Bulwell, Nottingham, sponsored by 101 (Northumbrian) Medium Regiment RA .
1970.01.01 reorganised as one artillery battery and one cadre: .
. 307 (South Nottinghamshire Hussars) (R.H.A.) Battery, RA (V) independent OP unit, formed at Bulwell from personnel of the disbanded TAVR III regiment .
. The South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry (R.H.A.), RA [cadre] at Nottingham .
1971.04.01 Reorganised as one independent artillery bty and one infantry coy: .
. 307 (South Nottinghamshire Hussars) (R.H.A.) Battery, RA (V) at Bulwell .
. B (South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry (R.H.A.)) Battery, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Battalion (V), The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment, formed at Nottingham, by reconstitution of cadre .
1975.04.01 Reduced to one battery: independent RA battery reduced from 24 to 12 OP parties; and WSFR company disbanded (some personnel absorbed into the OP battery) .
1993.04.01 Re-roled as a field battery as 307 (South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry RHA) Battery, 100th (Yeomanry) Field Regiment, RA (V) .
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. 350 (South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry) Heavy Regiment RA (TA) .
1947.01.01 Reconstituted in TA with HQ at Nottingham, Nottinghamshire: Continuity with 150 (South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry) Field Regiment. 86 (Fd) AGRA (TA)
1950.07.15 Absorbed 315th (Leicestershire) Medium Regiment RA without change of title .
1955.03.01 Amalgamated with 528 LAA Regiment RA (West Nottinghamshire), and 577 LAA/SL Regiment RA (The Robin Hood Foresters), as Q (The West Nottinghamshire) Battery, 350 (The Robin Hood Foresters) Heavy Regiment RA, and yeomanry lineage ceased .
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