Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

Dates Locations Higher Formation/Remarks
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. 4th/5th Battalion, The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders .
1947.01.01 Reconstituted in T.A. with HQ at Inverness, and concurrently amalgamated with 5th Battalion 153 (Highland) Infantry Brigade
1961.05.01 Absorbed two troops of 540 LAA Regt RA (The Lovat Scouts) without change of title .

Disbanded and concurrently amalgamated with 11th Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders, to form TAVR elements of Queen's Own Highlanders (Seaforth and Camerons)

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. 1st (Motor) Battalion, The Liverpool Scottish, The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders .
1947.04.01 Reconstituted in T.A. with HQ at Fraser Street, Liverpool .
194? Renamed 1st Battalion, The Liverpool Scottish, The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders .
1967.04.01 Disbanded and concurrently reconstituted as two units, and moved to Forbes House, Score Lane, Childwall, Liverpool: .
. V Company (Liverpool Scottish), 51st Highland Volunteers formed in TAVR II at Forbes House, Liverpool .
. G Troop (The Liverpool Scottish), R (The King's) Battery, The West Lancashire Regiment RA (T) formed in TAVR III at Forbes House, Liverpool .
1969.01.01 G Troop disbanded .
1971.04.01 Redesignated V Company (Liverpool Scottish), 1st Battalion, 51st Highland Volunteers on formation of 2nd Battalion .
1992.09.21 Transferred to 5th/8th (V) Battalion, The King's Regiment and redesignated V (The Liverpool Scottish) Company, 5th/8th (V) Battalion, The King's Regiment .
1999.07.01 Reduced to Liverpool Scottish Platoon, A (King's) Company, The King's and Cheshire Regiment and moved to T.A. Centre, Townsend Avenue, Liverpool .
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