Northamptonshire Regiment

Dates Locations Higher Formation/Remarks
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. 5th (Huntingdonshire) Battalion, The Northamptonshire Regiment .
1947.01.01 Reconstituted in T.A. with HQ at Peterborough and amalgamated with 4th Battalion without change of title .
. A Company at Northampton .
. B Company at Northampton .
. C Company at Wellingborough .
. D Company at Kettering .
1961.05.01 Amalgamated with 438 LAA Regiment RA, to form 4th/5th Battalion, The Northamptonshire Regiment .
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. 4th/5th Battalion, The Northamptonshire Regiment .
1961.05.01 Formed by amalgamation of 5th (Huntingdonshire) Battalion, The Northamptonshire Regiment with 438 LAA Regiment RA, to form 4th/5th Battalion, The Northamptonshire Regiment .
. A Company at Northampton, absorbed tp of R Bty .
. B Company at ? .
. C Company at Wellingborough, absorbed tp of R Bty .
. D Company at ? .
1967.04.01 Disbanded and concurrently reconstituted as: .
. Part of 2nd (Duchess of Gloucester's Own Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire) Company, 5th (V) Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment in TAVR II at Lincoln .
. The Northamptonshire Regiment (Territorials) in TAVR III with HQ at Northampton .
. A Company (Northamptonshire Yeomanry) at Northampton, successor to 250 (Northamptonshire Yeomanry) Field Sqn, RE .
. B Company (5th Northamptonshire) at Corby .
. C Company (4th Northamptonshire) at Wellingborough .
1969.01.01 TAVR III element reduced to cadre at Northampton as The Northamptonshire Regiment, sponsored by 118 Army Recovery Company, REME (V) .
1971.04.01 7th (Volunteer) Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment formed in TAVR II with HQ at Northampton from cadres of disbanded TAVR III regiments: .
1971.04.01 Two companies reconstituted from cadre (and Northamptonshire Yeomanry lineage discontinued): .
. C (Northamptonshire) Company at Northampton 7th (Volunteer) Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment
. D (Northamptonshire) Company at Wellingborough 7th (Volunteer) Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment
1978.04.01 companies reorganised: .
. 2 (Northamptonshire) Company, 5th (V) Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment at Wellingborough, Rushden and Corby, redesignation of C Company 7th Battalion 5th (V) Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment
. D (Northamptonshire) Company, 7th (V) Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment by redesignation and relocation of D Company 7th Battalion 7th (V) Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment
1992.04.01 D (Northamptonshire) Company, 7th (V) Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment at Northampton with pln at Wellingborough, absorbed 2 Company 5th Battalion 7th (V) Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment
1999.07.01 The East of England Regiment formed by amalgamation of 6th (Volunteer) Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, 7th (Volunteer) Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment and 3rd (Volunteer) Battalion The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment, HQ at Blenheim Camp, Bury St Edmunds .
1999.07.01 C (Leicestershire and Northamptonshire) Company, The East of England Regiment formed at Leicester with Pln at Northampton by amalgamation of HQ Company and C Company 7th Bn, The Royal Anglian Regt The East of England Regiment
2006.04.01 3rd Battalion, Royal Anglian Regiment formed from five of the six companies of the East of England Regiment .
2006.04.01 Redesignated C (Leicestershire and Northamptonshire) Company, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment at Leicester with Pln at Northampton 3rd Battalion, Royal Anglian Regiment
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