Lowland Volunteers

Dates Locations Higher Formation/Remarks
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1967.04.01 52nd Lowland Volunteers .
. Formed in TAVR II with Headquarters at Glasgow as successor to TA battalions of the Lowland Brigade: .
. HQ (The Glasgow Highlanders) Company at Glasgow, successor to The Glasgow Highlanders Bn, The Highland Light Infantry .
. A (The Royal Scots) Company at Edinburgh and Bathgate, successor to 8th/9th Bn, The Royal Scots .
. B (The Royal Scots Fusiliers) Company at Ayr, successor to 4th/5th Bn, The Royal Scots Fusiliers .
. C (The King's Own Scottish Borderers) Company at Dumfries, successor to 4th/5th Bn, The King's Own Scottish Borderers .
. D (The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)) Company at Hamilton, successor to 6th/7th Bn, The Cameronians .
. E (The Highland Light Infantry) Company at Glasgow, successor to 5th/6th Bn, The Highland Light Infantry .
1971.04.01 Redesignated 1st Battalion, 52nd Lowland Volunteers upon formation of 2nd Battalion .
1973 HQ Coy redesignated as HQ Company (The Royal Highland Fusiliers) .
1982.01 A (The Royal Scots) Coy at Edinburgh and Bathgate transferred as No. 2 Company, 2nd Battalion .
. new A (Royal Highland Fusiliers) Company formed at Glasgow by redesignation of No. 2 Coy, 2nd Battalion .
1984 F (HSF) Company formed at Ayr .
. G (HSF) Company formed at Dumfries .
1992.04.01 Battalion reduced to three rifle companies: C (KOSB) Company at Dumfries transferred to 2nd Battalion; D (Cameronians) Company at Hamilton disbanded; F (HSF) Company and G (HSF) Company disbanded; resulting in all RHF order of battle: .
. HQ (The Glasgow Highlanders) Company at Glasgow .
. A (The Royal Highland Fusiliers) Company at Glasgow .
. B (The Royal Scots Fusiliers) Company at Ayr .
. C (The Highland Light Infantry) Company at Glasgow by redesignation of E Coy .
1995.06.03 Redesignated as 3rd (Volunteer) Battalion, The Royal Highland Fusiliers (Princess Margaret's Own Glasgow and Ayrshire Regiment) .
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. 2nd Battalion, 52nd Lowland Volunteers .
1971.04.01 Formed with HQ at Edinburgh by expansion of cadres of former TAVR III battalions: .
. No. 1 (The Royal Scots) Company at Penicuik, formed from cadre of 8th/9th (T) Bn, The Royal Scots .
. No. 2 (Royal Highland Fusiliers) Company at Glasgow, formed from cadre of 3rd (T) Bn, The Royal Highland Fusiliers .
. No. 3 (King's Own Scottish Borderers) Company at Galashiels with det at Dumfries, formed from cadre of 4th/5th (T) Bn, The King's Own Scottish Borderers; consolidated at Galashiels later .
. No. 4 (Cameronians) Company at Motherwell, formed from cadre of 6th/7th (T) Bn, The Cameronians .
1982.01 No. 2 Coy transferred as A Company, 1st Battalion; new No. 2 (Royal Scots) Company formed at Edinburgh and Bathgate by redesignation of A Coy, 1st Battalion .
1984 5 (HSF) Company formed at Edinburgh .
1992.04.01 Companies reorganised with a view to becoming T.A. battalion of proposed merger of The Royal Scots and The King's Own Scottish Borderers (but that merger was rescinded): No. 1 Company and No. 5 (HSF) Company disbanded; .
. Resulting in three rifle company establishment: .
. HQ Company and Support Group at Motherwell and Bathgate, formed by reorganisation of No. 4 Coy (rebadged KOSB -- effectively ending Cameronians presence in T.A. --, less new pln at Bathgate badged Royal Scots) .
. A (Royal Scots) Company at Edinburgh and Bathgate, redesignation of No. 2 Coy .
. B (King's Own Scottish Borderers) Company at Galashiels, redesignation part of No. 3 Coy .
. C (King's Own Scottish Borderers) Company, consolidated at Dumfries, amalgamation of Dumfries elements of No. 3 Coy and C Coy, 1st Battalion .
199? Company at Motherwell reroled as rifle company and redesignated D (Cameronians) Company, except for the Assault Pioneer Pln; D Coy took Bathgate pln under command, which remained badged Royal Scots; Edinburgh company became the Battalion Support Group, retaining a rifle platoon at Bathgate; HQ Coy redesignated HQ (Royal Scots) Company .
1995.06.03 The Lowland Volunteers .
. HQ (Royal Scots) Company and Bn Sp Gp at Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh .
. B (King's Own Scottish Borderers) Company at Galashiels .
. C (King's Own Scottish Borderers) Company at Dumfries .
. D (Cameronians) Company at Motherwell including Assault Pioneer Pl, with Pln (Royal Scots) at Bathgate; rebadged by 1997 as D (King's Own Scottish Borderers) Coy .
1999.07.01 Reorganised as 52nd Lowland Regiment with HQ at Walcheren Barracks, Glasgow, absorbing 3rd (V) Bn, The Royal Highland Fusiliers .
. HQ Company at Walcheren Barracks, Glasgow .
. A (Royal Scots) Company at East Claremont Street, Edinburgh with Pln at Bathgate, amalgamation of HQ Coy and part of D Coy, The Lowland Volunteers .
. B (Royal Highland Fusiliers) Company at Ayr, redesignation of B Coy, 3rd Bn, The Royal Highland Fusiliers .
. C (Royal Highland Fusiliers) Company at Walcheren Barracks, Glasgow with KOSB Assault Pioneer Pln at Motherwell, amalgamation of C Coy, 3rd Bn, The Royal Highland Fusiliers and part of D Coy, The Lowland Volunteers .
. D (King's Own Scottish Borderers) Company at Galashiels with Mortar Pln at Dumfries, amalgamation of B Coy and C Coy, The Lowland Volunteers; Mortar Pln at Dumfries transferred early 2001 to B Coy retaining KOSB affiliation .
2006.03.28 Reorganised as 52nd Lowland, 6th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland .
. HQ at Glasgow .
. HQ Company at Walcheren Barracks, Glasgow .
. A (Royal Scots Borderers) Company at East Claremont Street, Edinburgh with Pln at Bathgate and Pln at Galashiels (the latter being reduction of D Coy) .
. B (Royal Highland Fusiliers) Company at Ayr, with Pln at Dumfries .
. C (Royal Highland Fusiliers) Company at Walcheren Barracks, Glasgow with Pln at Motherwell .
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