Duke of Wellington's Regiment

Dates Locations Higher Formation/Remarks
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. 7th Battalion, The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding) .
1947.01.01 reconstituted in T.A. with HQ at Milnsbridge 146 (West Riding) Infantry Brigade
. A Company at Springhead .
. B Company at Slaithwaite .
. C Company at Mossley .
. D Company at Springhead .
1957.05.20 Redesignated 5th/7th Battalion, The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding) .
. HQ at Huddersfield; absorbed some personnel of Q (5th DWR) Battery,382nd Medium Regiment, RA (Duke of Wellington's Regiment), and considered to have amalgamated with 5th Battalion .
. A Company at ? .
. B Company at ? .
. C Company at ? .
. D Company at ? .
1961.05.01 Amalgamated with 382nd Medium Regiment, RA (Duke of Wellington's Regiment), to form The West Riding Battalion, The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding) .
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. The West Riding Battalion, The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding) .
1961.05.01 Formed with HQ at Huddersfield by amalgamation of 5th/7th Battalion and 382 Med Regt RA (DWR) .
. HQ Company at Huddersfield .
. A Company at Halifax .
. B Company at Huddersfield and Mirfield .
. C Company at Keighley and Skipton .
. D Company at Mossley and Holmfirth .
1967.04.01 Disbanded and concurrently reconstituted as: .
. C Company (The Duke of Wellington's), Yorkshire Volunteers formed in TAVR II at Halifax with det at Keighley .
. The West Riding Territorials formed in TAVR III with HQ at Huddersfield .
. A Company at Huddersfield .
. B Company at Huddersfield .
. C Company at Halifax .
1969.04.01 TAVR III element reduced to cadre as The West Riding Battalion, The Duke of Wellington's Regiment at Huddersfield, sponsored by Yorkshire Volunteers .
1971.04.01 Reorganised as two companies: .
. C Company (The Duke of Wellington's), 1st Battalion, Yorkshire Volunteers at Halifax with det at Keighley .
. C (The Duke of Wellington's Regiment) Company, 3rd Battalion, Yorkshire Volunteers at Huddersfield, reconstituted from cadre .
1973.04.01 C Coy consolidated at Halifax (yielding Keighley to 3rd Battalion) .
1988.01.01 C Coy at Halifax transferred as C Company 3rd Battalion .
1992.04.04 3rd/4th Battalion, Yorkshire Volunteers (West and South Yorkshire) formed with HQ at Endcliffe Hall, Sheffield by amalgamation of 3rd Battalion Yorkshire Volunteers (West Yorkshire) and 4th Battalion Yorkshire Volunteers (South Yorkshire) .
. HQ (Hallamshire) Company at Endcliffe Hall, Sheffield, amalgamation of HQ Coy 3rd Battalion, HQ Coy 4th Battalion and D Coy 4th Battalion .
. A (The Sheffield Artillery Volunteers) Company at Wakefield Road, Barnsley with dets at Rotherham and Eastgate, Barnsley, formed by amalgamation of A Coy and B Coy 4th Battalion .
. B (The Duke of Wellington's Regiment) Company at Halifax with det at Keighley, formed by amalgamation of D Coy 3rd Battalion and A Coy 3rd Battalion .
. C (The Duke of Wellington's Regiment) Company at Huddersfield, formed by redesignation of C Company 3rd Battalion .
1993.04.25 Redesignated 3rd Battalion, The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding) (Yorkshire Volunteers) .
. HQ at Endcliffe Hall, Sheffield .
. HQ (Hallamshire) Company at Endcliffe Hall, Sheffield .
. A Company at Barnsley with det at Rotherham (Sheffield Artillery Volunteers identity ceased) .
. B Company at Halifax with det at Keighley .
. C Company at Huddersfield .
1999.07.01 The East and West Riding Regiment formed by amalgamation of 3rd Bn The Prince of Wales's Own Regt of Yorkshire (Yorkshire Vols), 3rd Bn The Duke of Wellington's Regt (Yorkshire Vols) and The King's Own Yorkshire Yeomanry (Light Infantry)) .
. Ypres Company (Duke of Wellington's Regiment) at Huddersfield with Pln at Keighley, also Pioneer Pln, amalgamation of C Coy and B Coy 3rd Bn, The Duke of Wellington's Regt; redesignated later as C Doy .
. Fontenay Company (Duke of Wellington's Regiment) at Barnsley including MG Pln with Pln at Sheffield, amalgamation of HQ Coy and A Coy 3rd Bn, The Duke of Wellington's Regt; redesignated later as D Coy .
200? C Company (Duke of Wellington's Regiment) at Huddersfield with Pln at Keighley, also Pioneer Pln, amalgamation of C Coy and B Coy at Huddersfield with Pln at Keighley .
. D Company (Duke of Wellington's Regiment) at Barnsley with Pln at Sheffield .
2006.06.06 The East and West Riding Regiment re-organised as 4th Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment (14th/15th, 19th and 33rd/76th) formed with HQ at York .
. C Company (Duke of Wellington's Regiment) at Huddersfield with Pln at Keighley .
. D Company (Duke of Wellington's Regiment) at Barnsley with Pln at Sheffield .
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