Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry

Dates Locations Higher Formation/Remarks
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. 4th/5th Battalion, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry .
1947.01.01 Reconstituted in T.A. with HQ at Truro, and concurrently amalgamated with 4th Battalion 130 (West Country) Infantry Brigade
. A Company at Penzance .
. B Company at Truro .
. C Company at Liskeard .
. D Company at Bodmin .
1959.10.06  Transferred to the corps of The Somerset and Cornwall Light Infantry without change of title .
1960.02.10 The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry [TA] .
1967.04.01 Disbanded and concurrently reconstituted as two units: .
. A Company (Cornwall), Light Infantry Volunteers, in TAVR II at Truro with Pln at Bodmin .
. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (Territorials) in TAVR III with HQ at Bodmin .
. A Company (Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry) at Bodmin .
. B Company (Cornwall Fortress Engineers) at Falmouth from 116 (Devon and Cornwall) Engineer Regiment RE (TA) (409, 571 Field Sqns) .
1968.07.10  Transferred to the corps of The Light Infantry .
1969.01.01 TAVR III element reduced to cadre as The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry at Bodmin, sponsored by Light Infantry Volunteers .
1971.04.01 Reorganised as three companies: .
. A Company (Cornwall), The Light Infantry Volunteers, at Truro with Pln at Bodmin .
. C (Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry) Company, 6th Battalion, The Light Infantry (V), reconstituted from cadre at Cambourne with det at Falmouth .
. D (Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry) Company, 6th Battalion, The Light Infantry (V), reconstituted from cadre at Penzance .
1972.08.01 Light Infantry Vols redesignated as 5th Battalion, The Light Infantry (V) .
1975.04.01 C Coy absorbed D Coy at Cambourne with det at Falmouth .
1981.02.01 A Coy at Truro and Bodmin transferred as D Company 6th Battalion,The Light Infantry (V) .
1984 F (HSF) Company [6th Bn LI] formed at Truro .
1988.11.09 6th Bn Light Infantry redesignated as 6th (Somerset and Cornwall) Battalion, The Light Infantry (Volunteers) with HQ at Bath, and omitted company subtitles (two rifle coys and one HSF coy in Cornwall) .
1999.07.01 D (Cornwall Light Infantry) Company, The Rifle Volunteers at Truro with Rifle Pln at Bodmin and MMG Pln at Cambourne, amalgamation of C Coy and D Coy 6th, Bn The Light Infantry (6 LI amalgamated with 4th (V) Bn, The Devonshire and Dorset Regt and part of 2nd (V) Bn, The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regt) .
200? Bodmin pln disbanded .
2006.04.01 Cambourne pln disbanded .
2007.02 D Company, 6th Battalion, The Rifles at Bodmin (re-formed) and Plymouth (pln transferred from E Coy) .
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