4th Queen's Own Hussars
Dates | Locations | Higher Formation/Remarks |
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1945 | Italy | 9 Armoured Brigade |
1945.07.28 | Austria | 26 Armoured Brigade |
1947.03 | Germany: Lubeck | . |
1947.12 | England: Colchester | . |
1948.09 | Malaya: | Armoured car regiment |
. | 1949: 1 Sqn to Hong Kong | . |
. | Sep 51: Left Malaya | . |
1951.12 | England: Bhurtpore Barracks, Tidworth | Tank regiment |
1953.09 | Caen Barracks, Hohne: Tank regiment | 7 Armoured Brigade |
. | 24 Oct 58: Amalgamated at Caen Barracks, Hohne with 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars to form The Queen's Royal Irish Hussars | . |
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