Worcestershire Regiment

Dates Locations Higher Formation/Remarks
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. 1st Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment .
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1945 Germany: .
1946.09 Trieste: Rossetti Barracks 13 Infantry Brigade
. Jan 47 - May 47: Pola 13 Infantry Brigade
1947.05 Germany: Luneburg 13 Infantry Brigade
. Dec 47: Germany: Luneburg 4 Armoured Brigade
1948.01 Berlin: Montgomery Barracks .
1949.05 Germany: Border Barracks, Gottingen 31 Lorried Infantry Brigade
1950.03 England: Chester .
. 24 May 50: Sailed from Liverpool for Singapore .
1950.07 Malaya 18 Infantry Brigade
1953.07 England: Bulford .
1955.02 Germany: Mons Barracks, Iserlohn 5 Infantry Brigade
1956.12 England: .
1957.07 West Indies: Up Park Camp, Kingston with one coy at Newcastle, Jamaica and one coy in British Honduras .
1960.03 England: Norton Barracks, Worcester .
. Nov 61 - Dec 61: Honduras .
1962.12 Germany: Clifton Barracks, Minden 11 Infantry Brigade Group
1964.09 England: Lee-Metford Camp, Lydd .
1965.09 Gibraltar .
1967 England: Kiwi Barracks, Bulford 5 Brigade
. Apr 69 - Oct 69: Cyprus, Bn HQ, Polemedia Camp near Limmasol, Coys at Kophinou, Paphos and Limassol United Nations
1969.11 England: Battlesbury Barracks, Warminster .
. 8 Feb 70: Amalgamated with 1st Bn, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment), to form 1st Bn, The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment (29th/45th Foot) .
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. 2nd Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment .
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1945 Burma .
. 1947: Reduced to cadre .
1947.03 England: .
. 26 Mar 47: Bn into 'suspended animation' .
. 17 Dec 48: Disbanded .
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