Seaforth Highlanders

Dates Locations Higher Formation/Remarks
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. 1st Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders .
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1945 India .
1945.09 Malaya .
1946 Dutch East Indies: Java .
1946.10 Malaya: Ipoh .
1948 Singapore: .
. 2 May 48: amalgamated with 2nd Battalion without change of title .
1948.06 Malaya Southern Sub-District
. 1950: Malaya 63 Gurkha Brigade
. Apr 51: at sea .
1951.06 Scotland: Redford Barracks, Edinburgh .
1952.04 Germany: Spey Barracks, Buxtehude 31 Lorried Infantry Brigade
1954.05 Scotland: Pinefield Camp, Elgin .
1954.06 Egypt: Canal Zone .
1955.07 Aden: Singapore Lines .
1955.11 Gibraltar .
1957.10 Germany: Oxford Barracks, Munster 6 Infantry Brigade Group
. 14 Aug 58: Colours presented by FM Sir Gerald Templer .
1961.01 Scotland: Redford Barracks, Edinburgh .
. 7 Feb 61: amalgamated with 1st Bn, The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, to form 1st Bn, Queen's Own Highlanders (Seaforth and Camerons) .
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. 2nd Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders .
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1944.06 NW Europe .
1945 Germany .
1947 England: Knook Camp, Warminster .
. 1947: England: Bicester .
. 1948: Reduced to cadre .
. 2 May 48: amalgamated with 1st Battalion .
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